Dear Family,

Short version: Today is special because it is our Anniversary of 39 years. Also it is the 3rd anniversary of my sister Jill's passing. When I think of part of the traditional marriage vows… "For better for worse, richer or poorer … in sickness and in health…". We certainly are experiencing this. But these few weeks are really just a blip on our calendar. I watched as Casey and Jill lived her last 4 years dealing with cancer. So my prayer is still "thank you Lord for 39 years. And let us make this time the best it can be" Next year #40 i think I would like to party. ( and go on a family trip too)
LONGer VERSION: Today Fritz and I Celebrated our 39th Anniversary with just a little flair. Even though we are at home to keep Fritz as comfortable as possible during his eye surgery recovery, I wanted to do something special today. The romantic in me likes a pretty setting. I set out the dishes my Grandmother gave me as a wedding present, and I went and ordered dinner from one of our favorite places and brought it home. We had a little sunset dinner looking out to our own yard. I used the napkin rings that belong to my grandparents too. Laure and Henry were married 53 years before he died and survived separations in WW1, WW2 and all kinds of difficult times and changes in their lives. My Grandfather also escaped from his camp in WW1 and made his way by foot at night for 3 months from Poland to Belgium to find my Grandmother again in 1918. So going back to Fritz, when I married him, i believed I had found someone I could be married to 50 years like my grandparents. I wanted the real thing! What I have come to realize is that the Lord is the one I need to depend on. His faithfulness to us carries us through the good times and the not so good times.
"For better for worse, richer or poorer … in sickness and in health…". We continue on ….
Last night we also had the visit of wonderful friends from church Dave and Kim Newton. It was good to catch up with them and they blessed us with their prayers and fellowship. I gotta see the funny pictures they took. For those of you not on FB, Here is the picture I put on my page. I made that dress and I still have it. French Lace of course. I used it later for dress up costume for Rachel and Carrie growing up. I don't even try to put it on now.
Happy Anniversary Fritz! You keep me smilin"
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