Hello Summer blogger friends,
It has been a very busy summer this year. We have had lots of company and friends and places and things to do. I am very blessed by the opportunities we have had.
In June we had a relaxing trip to Mammoth, our only trip so far. Then a nice Father's day weekend with Tina and Ryan, and next a birthday weekend with Rachel and Johan and all their friends.
Then in July we Celebrated the 4th by being in the Montecito Village 4th of July parade, as you can see from the pictures. Carrie and her family were with us for the week. What fun we had.
The following weekend, Fritz had a boat trip and I attended the French festival with a dear friend Nichole.. Next we had company with old friend and new friends who stayed in our studio the rest of the month. Tina and Ryan were up again for his birthday, And next we made a trip down to San Diego which included a visit with Grandma and Steve, visit and dinner with the kids, Horse races in Del Mar, Art shows in Laguna Beach, checking in with Phil and all his hard work on his house, and more visits with friends down south. Day in and day out, we have been blessed with many friends and family visiting.
August has started with a big Fiesta weekend. Lots to look forward too this month. Its been great to be in Santa Barbara so much this year instead of our usual driving back and forth to Mammoth or up north. Though we missed having a family reunion this year in July, we are all looking forward to September and our next family gathering for nephew Sean's wedding day.
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