Hello Blogger buddies.
Happy March. Spring is almost here and its in the air! I just had a drive up the 101 and I saw lots of Lupen already along the freeways. I am up north, on the way to Napa to care for my Dad. I am tag teaming Louie my brother and Nicky as caregivers, as we determine where we are in Dad's care at this time. Dad's 90th birthday is coming up, and day he never dreamed would ever happen and he is determined to make it.
It seems to have been a whirl wind month the last two months. I have had a trip to Napa, Sacramento and Pleasanton in January, a field trip to the Getty this last week and 2 trips to Mammoth with Fritz on the school holidays. Visitors from Kansas City ( Marilyn and Dave with their friends), and last week a cousins get together at the Bohnett homestead to go through family pictures together. My Dad made a trip down with my sister's for the Cousin's time and to see his brother Mike. We had a wonderful visit, and I cared for Dad for 3 1/2 days. But we could all see how weak and tired he was. After he went home he ended up in the hospital on Monday, not surprising.
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