Merry Christmas and Happy New Year dear friends and family. I am sharing with you in this picture of my very favorite Nativity created many many years ago while we were living in Irvine. I happily put this up each year, remembering how the kids played with the wooden figures and how this reflects for me the simple true meaning of Christmas..... Christ Birth over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem.
This past year has flown by so quickly -- like a very fast wind in the desert. Wishhhhhhhhhh Its gone by. Now as I slowly reflect upon the year, I am reminded again of so many big events. To name them all.
Rachel & Johan were married on June 5 at the
Montecito Country Club with over 100 guests from
Holland to China....
We had a huge 30TH Birthday surprise for
Ryan. He also got his Contractor’s license & ran a
Triathlon under 4 hours in August......
Fritz celebrated his 60TH Birthday with lots of
family & friends.... and he caught the biggest
trout of all times......
BIRTHDAY with all of Fritz’ brothers....
Fritz, Steve, Dave and Mike
Phillip bought his first home in San Juan
Capistrano and is a proud owner......
Fritz and Lorette celebrated 35 years of marriage.....
FRITZ & PHIL were honored to be in FORBE’S
Magazine for Marathon Investment Program’s
great track record.....
Phil’s new home in San Juan Capistrano
And then at Thanksgiving time we had a short
Schirm family reunion playing football in Pleasanton
and cousins time in Snug Harbor. Though everyone couldn't
be there, those of us present were able to hang out
with Papa Bear and enjoy our time with him also. As the blog
before this shows, Dad is with us and we enjoy our time with him
We hope he can come down to Santa Barbara soon for a gathering
of cousins at the end of the month.
My sister Jill continues to blog regularly about her cancer condition. She has amazingly lasted over 3 years. She really is a fighter. This last regiment of treatment has been particularily hard on her. Also, not being able to have some experimental treatments that she was recommended for by UCSF Doctors has been discouraging. ( No thanks to the insurance companies of course). She continues to be upbeat and hopeful for the future. Her blogs are at. http://brierleyblogger.blogspot.com/ if you haven't seen this before. There is three years worth. A full book for sure.
Please be sure to stay in touch with us. Email or call. We love hearing from you.