Hello Friends and Family, As I write this note, Southern California is experiencing so much fires now also. Here is the map of evacuation and warnings for today. We are just outside the yellow perimeter now. Westmont College has been hit very hard. PHOTOS HERE. My heart goes out to many friends who have lost their homes.
This fire did bring back memories for me. In 1963 in Jr HIgh, a big wild fire burned right up to our backyard edge in Burbank. many homes were catching on fire on the roofs. Many in our neighborhood, including my Dad, my brother Louie, and Fred Hagen from across the street stayed on the roofs to put out the fires as they started. The neighborhood kids were all in my Mom's station wagon with us 4 girls, all the dogs, cats, pets etc. As the wind and fire was coming down the mountain behind us, the fireman was telling my Mom to " get of there!" Our street was saved by all the Dads and sons who stayed watering the roofs., along with the firefighters of course. They are heros to all of us. And they would never let us stay now and fight a fire like we did then.
Yesterday Fred wrote to me checking to see if we are okay -- Thank you Fred. Thank you Lord for dear friends. Fred is my oldest friend-- 55 years now-- Can you believe it? And his sister Mary is my sister Jill'sl oldest friend also. Bless you both!
The community has been so helpful here, all over Santa Barbara -- feeding the fire fighters, giving lodging, and any and all help as needed. Thank you to my cousins who said I could live at 3201 if we lost our house. Thank you to the Riders for taking us into their home at 1:00 in the morning after our manditory evacuation. And thank to Ryan and his roommate Chris for helping us to evacuate our stuff, move cars, etc etc. We love you all.
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