Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving to all. This morning in the quite of my first and only day home this week, I have a little time for quite reflections. Fritz and I have so much to be thankful for each day of our lives. Our kids, our family, our extended family and friends. God Bless you everyone and to all, a very very Happy Thanksgiving.
My Mom, after coming to the United States, said we lived in the best country!. and she taught us to feel that way also. She appreciated so much what America meant to her especially after WW2. Even with the elections, and the changes going on in our country, the market and the nose dives, we are still so fortunate. AND we are thankful to have our home intact, our family together. Thank you Lord for these many blessings.
Last week, with the fire, Fritz and I evacuated with the help of Ryan. We had had a chance to pack up things in our cars. Then when we were settling down for the night, the bullhorns and evacuation notice came and we had to leave immediately. As I drove at 1 in the morning along the beach, I witnessed this view. I did not take this picture, but it came from the Tea Fire blogger site. Of all times to loose my camera, this was one of those times. A camera is like a visual of journal of what we see and experience. This picture represents our experience that night. The Rider family gave us a comfy bed to sleep in and the next day we were at the Bohnett homestead for another good night of sleep. Thank you to all the Bohnett's for the offer of a home to stay in, if we had returned to no home at all.
After the fire, and moving back into the home, etc, I took off for Kansas city and a long planned visit with my friend of 39 years -- Marilyn. Marilyn married a wonderful man Dave Geisler. It was special to be a part of their day. Then the marathon continued with Mary Beth's baby shower, lots of visiting, cooking and then flying home to LAX. Next year Marilyn and I will plan a special girl's weekend of 40 years of friendship.
Life is an adventure: I took off from Kansas city on Sunday for LAX. After a nice flight, I an interesting experience to say the least. I don't quite know why but my plane was coming in for a landing and then took off again. I was watching out the window, saw the cars on the freeway, and about 30 seconds before touchdown the plane changed its course!!!! The pilot said there was poor visibility at the control tower and the runway wasn't cleared. We managed to get airborn again ... circled around by Santa Monica and came in again. Wow! The pilot was very calm but I assure you I wasn't inside. But I was very Thankful !!! and it certainly calmed me down when we landed safely the 2nd time.
After landing, I was able to go on to my next adventure -- the ACSI teacher's convention in Orange County. It was very special as always. This year I was a presenter. This was my 5th time doing so. It went well AND I was able to see friends, teachers and people I have known over many years of Christian School education, including Julie and Dan Kotov. Julie was Phillip's 3rd grade teacher 25 years ago at Maranatha Christian academy. Phillip is excellent in Math as many of you know, and Julie was the excellent teacher who taught Phil especially in Math and mentored me -- a future teacher.
So this morning, before Thanksgiving, I am reflecting back on my last 2 weeks. So much has happened. Today, weather allowing, or tomorrow morning early, Phillip Ryan and I will take off for Pleasanton. Fritz will be driving from Mammoth to meet us there. ( He has enjoyed skiing and fishing in Mammoth, working on the cabin -- which is available to rent by the way!) We will be with Jill and Nicky, My Dad and most of the family for Thanksgiving. Rachel will celebrate Thanksgiving with Johan in Boston, near the area where it all began. We hope to have a family Turkey trot Football game like 2 years ago.
Last but not least ---this week, I remember my sister Micheline, who 30 years ago left us for HIGHER GROUND. I am most thankful for Michy, because her relationship with the Lord and her prayers, brought so many of us to a relationship with the Lord ourselves.
So, excuse the spelling errors that can happen. I am convinced, especially after one seminar from yesterday, that as an art teacher, I see certain things over and over again that I miss the common mistakes, even when I do spell check. So Happy Thanksgiving to All! " O Taste and See that the Lord is Good... and His mercy is everlasting.." MRS. Harnzblogger