Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009. May the new year bring Peace in our hearts and homes. We were truelly blessed to have Rachel's fiance Johan join us this year with his mother Dorian and special friend Fred. They brought Dutch traditions to share with our family. The most special treat were the poems that they wrote to go along with their presents. This is a dutch tradition and they began with Rachel, then Fritz and all the rest of the family. It truelly was delightful. The creativity and thoughtfulness was beyond my wildest imagination. When I get a chance, I will share some of these. ....For now here are some pictures from our Christmas day. For New years they are all in Mammoth at our cabin and we off to friends....
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving to all. This morning in the quite of my first and only day home this week, I have a little time for quite reflections. Fritz and I have so much to be thankful for each day of our lives. Our kids, our family, our extended family and friends. God Bless you everyone and to all, a very very Happy Thanksgiving.
My Mom, after coming to the United States, said we lived in the best country!. and she taught us to feel that way also. She appreciated so much what America meant to her especially after WW2. Even with the elections, and the changes going on in our country, the market and the nose dives, we are still so fortunate. AND we are thankful to have our home intact, our family together. Thank you Lord for these many blessings.
Last week, with the fire, Fritz and I evacuated with the help of Ryan. We had had a chance to pack up things in our cars. Then when we were settling down for the night, the bullhorns and evacuation notice came and we had to leave immediately. As I drove at 1 in the morning along the beach, I witnessed this view. I did not take this picture, but it came from the Tea Fire blogger site. Of all times to loose my camera, this was one of those times. A camera is like a visual of journal of what we see and experience. This picture represents our experience that night. The Rider family gave us a comfy bed to sleep in and the next day we were at the Bohnett homestead for another good night of sleep. Thank you to all the Bohnett's for the offer of a home to stay in, if we had returned to no home at all.
After the fire, and moving back into the home, etc, I took off for Kansas city and a long planned visit with my friend of 39 years -- Marilyn. Marilyn married a wonderful man Dave Geisler. It was special to be a part of their day. Then the marathon continued with Mary Beth's baby shower, lots of visiting, cooking and then flying home to LAX. Next year Marilyn and I will plan a special girl's weekend of 40 years of friendship.
Life is an adventure: I took off from Kansas city on Sunday for LAX. After a nice flight, I an interesting experience to say the least. I don't quite know why but my plane was coming in for a landing and then took off again. I was watching out the window, saw the cars on the freeway, and about 30 seconds before touchdown the plane changed its course!!!! The pilot said there was poor visibility at the control tower and the runway wasn't cleared. We managed to get airborn again ... circled around by Santa Monica and came in again. Wow! The pilot was very calm but I assure you I wasn't inside. But I was very Thankful !!! and it certainly calmed me down when we landed safely the 2nd time.
After landing, I was able to go on to my next adventure -- the ACSI teacher's convention in Orange County. It was very special as always. This year I was a presenter. This was my 5th time doing so. It went well AND I was able to see friends, teachers and people I have known over many years of Christian School education, including Julie and Dan Kotov. Julie was Phillip's 3rd grade teacher 25 years ago at Maranatha Christian academy. Phillip is excellent in Math as many of you know, and Julie was the excellent teacher who taught Phil especially in Math and mentored me -- a future teacher.
So this morning, before Thanksgiving, I am reflecting back on my last 2 weeks. So much has happened. Today, weather allowing, or tomorrow morning early, Phillip Ryan and I will take off for Pleasanton. Fritz will be driving from Mammoth to meet us there. ( He has enjoyed skiing and fishing in Mammoth, working on the cabin -- which is available to rent by the way!) We will be with Jill and Nicky, My Dad and most of the family for Thanksgiving. Rachel will celebrate Thanksgiving with Johan in Boston, near the area where it all began. We hope to have a family Turkey trot Football game like 2 years ago.
Last but not least ---this week, I remember my sister Micheline, who 30 years ago left us for HIGHER GROUND. I am most thankful for Michy, because her relationship with the Lord and her prayers, brought so many of us to a relationship with the Lord ourselves.
So, excuse the spelling errors that can happen. I am convinced, especially after one seminar from yesterday, that as an art teacher, I see certain things over and over again that I miss the common mistakes, even when I do spell check. So Happy Thanksgiving to All! " O Taste and See that the Lord is Good... and His mercy is everlasting.." MRS. Harnzblogger
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hello Friends and Family, As I write this note, Southern California is experiencing so much fires now also. Here is the map of evacuation and warnings for today. We are just outside the yellow perimeter now. Westmont College has been hit very hard. PHOTOS HERE. My heart goes out to many friends who have lost their homes.
This fire did bring back memories for me. In 1963 in Jr HIgh, a big wild fire burned right up to our backyard edge in Burbank. many homes were catching on fire on the roofs. Many in our neighborhood, including my Dad, my brother Louie, and Fred Hagen from across the street stayed on the roofs to put out the fires as they started. The neighborhood kids were all in my Mom's station wagon with us 4 girls, all the dogs, cats, pets etc. As the wind and fire was coming down the mountain behind us, the fireman was telling my Mom to " get of there!" Our street was saved by all the Dads and sons who stayed watering the roofs., along with the firefighters of course. They are heros to all of us. And they would never let us stay now and fight a fire like we did then.
Yesterday Fred wrote to me checking to see if we are okay -- Thank you Fred. Thank you Lord for dear friends. Fred is my oldest friend-- 55 years now-- Can you believe it? And his sister Mary is my sister Jill'sl oldest friend also. Bless you both!
The community has been so helpful here, all over Santa Barbara -- feeding the fire fighters, giving lodging, and any and all help as needed. Thank you to my cousins who said I could live at 3201 if we lost our house. Thank you to the Riders for taking us into their home at 1:00 in the morning after our manditory evacuation. And thank to Ryan and his roommate Chris for helping us to evacuate our stuff, move cars, etc etc. We love you all.
Friday, November 14, 2008

Hello Friends. IN Case you are checking about the Santa Barbara Fire, Here are some pictures. I did not take these pictures. I lost my camera in the midst of evacuating our home. If I find map, I could show you the area where the fire is and where we are. We are safe, at least for now.
These pictures came from the web site link to the "tea fire". There is a tea house on the hiking trails above Westmont area. The fire is named for this. Though we are very close and evacuated right now, we are not threatened at this time. I think we will be fine. The winds would have to completely change directions. We have a sundowner effect at times in Santa Barbara area, and the winds blow the opposite direction than the usual. That is why we are safe for now. We have a lot of friends who have lost homes, including 1 of the teachers from my school and 15 faculty houses have burned. The Westmont community has been hit very hard. The fire is still burning along the ridge behind the Riviera section moving towards the Mission Canyon near the Santa Barbara Mission.
Thanks to all our family and friends who have called and shared their concern or volunteered their home for us. We are at Mike and Susan Rider's home for now. We should be able to go back tonight or tomorrow.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hello Blogger buddies, Just a little family update. We have enjoyed being home the last few weeks. Its been good to do some reorganizing in my classroom and at home. This weekend was a treat. Ryan has been working out all summer for the Triathalon and he did. Compete and complete! That's what we say for especially the first time. He completed a 1 mile swim, 34 mile bike ride and a 10 mile run all in 4 hours and 20 minutes??-+ He did especially amazing in the swim, coming in at #4 for his division. One mile in 25 minutes. Pretty amazing really! He placed 16th overall for the Clydesdale division. "Big Guys"
We are very proud of Ryan and what he was able to accomplish.
Rachel and Johan continue to make plans for a wedding next summer. It will be Friday June 5th, 2009. Phil is working away in Dana Point. He moved to a new place and has lots of friends and activities there. Oh-- and also surf every morning! He has opened an office as he continues to grow the business of Marathon Investment Programs. Fritz and I had a short trip to Mammoth 2 weeks ago, including a great hike to Rainbow falls and Devils Postpile. It is so beautiful in the Sierra's in the summer. Blessings to everyone.
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hello Blogger Family,
Fritz and I returned from a wonderful Family get-together in San Diego. We were in Mission Beach enjoying the sun, riding bikes, surfing, visiting family and cooking lots of meals. We had anywhere from 17 to 35 each night. We were near the Bahlia hotel which helped a lot with the overflow room. Dad teaches us that we are never too old to try something new. In the picture, we had fun helping Dad try out the standup paddle board. The first night we had a nice family gathering with Rene 's family. ( We are missing Louie's family in this one though).
THE BIG NEWS FOR US! Johan proposed to Rachel on Thursday night and we had a family style engagement party and cruise on Friday night. Johan will be a wonderful addition to our family. We like him very much. Rachel met him in her Ethics class while she was at Boston University for her masters degree. Johan is in the Doctoral program at BU. He plans to teach European History and Politics in his future. They plan to have a wedding next summer in Santa Barbara.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Happy Birthday to our dear girl Rachel all the way from Mammoth Lakes. Ca. Fritz and I are hiking, fishing and riding bikes in the beautiful Sierras. Fritz caught his biggest trout ever--4 pounds 4 oz.and 20 inches long. It was a beautiful rainbow trout. He was quite proud of this catch for sure. Today we hiked the valley below Mammoth. We hiked Soda Springs all the way to Devil's postpile. It a pretty trail with lots of water. I saw so many flowers too. I usually don't get to see these. We saw shooting starts, columbine, lupin and indian paint brush just to name a few. I even saw a blue butterfly. I have never seen one of those in the wild. OUr hike was peaceful and quiet; we didn't run into any bears. Our favorite camping spot in Minaret Falls was empty. It brought back many memories of family times and fishing in this area. We made it to the Postpile just to take a picture. We rested on a rock at the old swimming hole, and no one was there!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Father's Day to my Dad -- Lou Schirm and To Fritz my husband, a wonderful husband and father to our kids. Thank you for all your smiles and love and care! Thanks DAD for the extra special Father's day surprise! this Father's day was very memorable.
Fritz hung out with the boys this weekend, while I took a trip up North to The Sacramento Delta and Snug Harbor. My Brother Louie and Linda and Kelly, Jill and Casey and their kids, Nicky and Tom, Carrie and myself were with my Dad for Father's day. Its a long drive, but it was worth it just to be together when we can. On Sunday we hung out at theCrawdad Festival in Isleton. Too hot for me! Then I was in Napa with Dad and on Monday in Pleasanton with Jill. My sister is amazing. We walked the dogs and she can out walk anyone AND she is on Chemo! and she still moves at a 100 miles a minute it seems. she runs circles around anyone.
Fritz had a nice weekend with the boys paddlesurfing, and riding gocarts. Ryan cooked dinner and the boys gave lots of love. Rachel sent hugs and kisses from the 3000 mile distance. We are thankful for family and all the love we have between us.
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL THOSE DAD'S OUT THERE. _- Papa Bear-- Louie 4, Fritz, Don, Tom, Casey, Evan, YOU ARE ALL VERY SPECIAL. WE love you all!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Hello to my Blogger Family, We are here in Boston-- the whole Family. Rachel graduated on Sunday from Boston University International Relations school with a Master's in International Relations. We are very proud of her. She actually finished her thesis in December. Graduation day Yesterday was the big day to walk with her friends and enjoy the moment!
She is actively looking for a permanent position to be able to stay for the next 2 years in Boston. The man on the right is Johan, Rachel's boyfriend. He is in the doctorial program at BU and will finish next year.
Anyway, I wanted to post these pictures. Here is a slide show of our pictures
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fritz and I are in Mammoth this weekend and it is freezing. The weather called for 40 to 50 degrees spring skiing. So I thought. Well I never checked the wind factor, and boy is it windy. Not the spring skiing I thought we would have. So instead Fritz is out fishing at Hot Creek and the clouds and all are really pretty. Spring In Mammoth is very unpredictable. We have our first flowers in the front of the cabin with daffodils and crocus. The Tulips are coming up. And now they predict snow fall for tomight or later this week. Who would have thought.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008

Hello Blogger Buddies, I am sitting in the Chemo Lounge with my sister Jill. She is back on the Chemo regime. Today is #1. She has to sit for 3 hours as the cocktail of drugs go through her. This will happen every two weeks for 6 months. We are praying for the side effects to be reduced and that it will be successful for the small tumors in her lungs and maybe in soft tissue too. She is stage four at this point, and they are attacking the cancer in full force.
This last week Fritz and I hung out in Cayoucos with Jill and Casey. Then I headed up to Snug Harbor to see Ryan, and then up to Napa to be with my Dad for his 88th Birthday. Now I am back with Jill and heading home tomorrow.
Please Keep Jill in your prayers. And pray that with all my driving 300 miles back and forth, that I stay safe and my nice car can be like the energizer bunny and keep going and going.
In the picture taken a few years ago on the Santa Barbara Beach, Jill is in the red sweater.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Hello Dear Family and Friends. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Fritz today. He is doing well though he fells like he could get up and go, he needs to stay flat for now. We saw the doctor and everything looks good.
It has been a very long day!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
March 4-- Set free!! Released!! Can you believe it? Ps 119 "How great are your works O Lord" and "We are fearfully and wonderfully made" reminds us of God's hand upon us each and every day.
March 4-- Set free!! Released!! Can you believe it? Ps 119 "How great are your works O Lord" and "We are fearfully and wonderfully made" reminds us of God's hand upon us each and every day.
24 hours after the operation was done, I took this picture on the way to Napa. It was such a beautiful day in the city and the drive to Napa was amazing.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Happy New Year. Blogger buddies....
Many blessings to you and your families. Our hope is that this year is special and memorable, filled with blessings each day from the Lord.
This last 6 weeks have been filled with so much activity and travel. Before Christmas we traveled to Boston to see Rachel's Masters presentation. We also went to Mammoth to catch some fresh snow, back for Christmas with the Family. Grandma Dottie was her and also Rachel was home for Christmas and Phillip was up from OC. Christine was able to join us also. The boys had their traditional surf on Christmas morning time. After Christmas Rachel was off to Belgium and the Netherlands to join her boyfriend Johan and meet his family. After the New Year, Fritz and I headed up to Napa to see my sisters and my Dad. We also met up with Carrie and Evan and the kids. From there we headed to San Francisco, where Fritz was finally able to see a certain doctor Natalie for heart procedure he will be having in March. Fritz is fine, but has a need for a certain type of procedure called Ablation.
We skied last week in Mammoth. In the midst of all this we do have jobs and we do work believe it or not. School is great for me and I love my work. It is great to be home today though and catching up on household chores, ( which I am not doing right now anyway) bills, etc. Fritz takes his work on the road very easily so that is nice for our times in Mammoth.
Jill continues to do well after all her cancer treatments. My Dad's health is going well so far this year. We are thankful for all our time with him. Next week we celebrate my Brother's 60th birthday and we will be together again.
Lots of love to all.
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