It has been a very busy time since my last post. August and now September has seen us all over California and now we are in Hawaii. What a privilege to be able to travel like this. We are enjoying the life we have together for this period of time. For myself, I will try to catch up.
Since Fritz and I have this new old 1927 Buick, it has been fun to experience different car shows. The biggest one we have ever hear of is the Grand car show of all in Carmel August 15-20. We joined some friends up there to see 100's of fabulous old cars, and watch the Vintage car show at Laguna Seca. Included is a picture of Fritz next to a car originally owned by Steve McQueen a favorite movie star of the "Great Escape". Then we were up to Napa to visit with my sister Nicky and her husband Tom. We cruised the river in their boat. Then the next day we made our up to the Sierras to Lake Tahoe. The peacefulness of sitting on the lake, watching the clouds, stand up paddle, or birds cruise through the skies was just heavenly. We were able to see my cousin Laurie, and her husband Justin, and play with their little one Leo. Then off to Mammoth and our cabin maintenance times. Fishing for Fritz, lake side for me again. Biking and Hiking are my favorites here. We headed home in time for a boat cruise in the harbor. and visit with many friends. Needless to say, "we were never home", it seems.

So now at the end of August we prepared to make a special trip to Orange county. It was Steve 's 60th and we had very special plans for him. On Saturday of Labor day weekend, we had a first ever gathering of all the Harnsberger's. 19 of us. Steve's kids came down from Idaho and made this "the big surprise". Jennifer and Link's family and our family complete all the Harnsberger's that we know.
Soooooo special. What a day! Steve's surprise was his little grand daughter Erica walking up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder and said " Hey Mister, will you come play with me?" He turned around wondering what was up, saw his Grand daughter and all his kids who had walked up behind him. Needless to say , we were all full of happy tears for Steve to be with his family and share this moment with all of them.
A few days later Fritz and I were off to Hawaii for our 38th anniversary. We had a few days with my nephew Kyle and his Aimee in Oahu, visited the USS Arizona National Memorial park, and had a nice afternoon on the North Shore. 2 places we had never been to. Then on to Maui and a very restful quiet week with surf, sunsets, turtles, and beautiful beaches. Fritz is off surfing right now. We especially love the warm waters, compared to our cold ones in SB.
In the midst of all this, my dear cousin Chuck Robert's, Harriette's husband passed away early in the morning of Sept.4. from stomach cancer. He was a very dear man, gentle, loving and a wonderful father to 4 great kids. I had a chance to walk around the hospital floor with the two of them before we left on our trips. I (we) had no idea he was so close to his final days. He always said good bye with a kiss to the cheek, a sweet comment and a thank you. His passing included the most beautiful sunset of the year in Santa Barbara, surrounded by his family. What a special tribute to a special guy.
I remember summers of the Past 1990, 1996, 2000 and 2006 that particularly stick out in my mind. I think this is one of the those summers also. Life is very full, and every day has special joys or sorrows. I am intent on thinking, remembering, and learning from it all. I am glad for this time of reflection that I have each day in Hawaii. and I am making the time to write and reflect. I am also writing my Grandmother's memories -- "Bon Jour Bonne Mama". I am sure my past English teacher/nuns would be shocked to see this. I was never the creative writer. But God Rest and Bless their souls. So if you have read this, you are really reading my personal reflections. I am thankful for my life and what I can enjoy. Yet the greatest joy comes form helping others, Being a part of their lives also. Reaching out, and forgetting about myself, and letting God use me to touch someone. An elderly, an invalid, a toddler, and young mom, or one of the special ladies at the rehab center where I volunteer each week. That's where my ministry lies, I remember one of the early bible studies Kate Smith taught on Titus 2" The older shall teach the younger". So this is where I am in life now. I enjoy the travels, and being places I have never been. But more importantly are the friends and people we meet.

Billowing clouds, rainbows and sunsets are a part of our days, each day here in Maui. It truly is a paradise here. Thank you Lord for each day you have given us.
Hugs and Kisses to everyone,