Do you remember the game hopscotch, like we used to play as kids? Well we still play it today. My version is playing hopscotch by driving up north or down south and visiting old friends or family and sleeping in different beds almost every night. I only usually do this when I am on my own though and Fritz is gone on a trip somewhere. So at the beginning of August, when Fritz was on his annual boat trip to the islands, I went to San Diego and spent a little time with each of our kids, and visited some special people along the way. I visited with an elderly cousin of Dad's named Martha Ann and her husband Tom. I love the older Generation. They are so precious and have seen so much. Martha Ann has traveled around the world over 35 times during her life time. I hope to have more visits with her and Tom. Then an evening with Phillip in Laguna Beach. We ate a wonderful Belgian Bistro and had a truly European menu. And Pomme Frites too. Then off to San Clemente Saturday morning with a breakfast with a dear friend Sandy. Next..... Down to San Diego to hangout with Rachel and Johan and a lovely lunch in La Jolla. Getting the gastronomic picture? After a shopping spree with my fun-to-be-with daughter, we had a lovely dinner with Tina and Ryan, and of course Rachel and Johan. Another bed, another night and off to church with Tina and Ryan, and a lovely breakfast somewhere in Carlsbad. After goodbyes, I was off to Escondido to visit with an old friend Peggy and her husband Steve. We were roomies at Cal Poly and in the same major. Our lives have paralled each other in many ways. I was so blessed to see her again.
So as if that isn't enough, I just had to do it again this last week. Fritz was going to be visiting his Mom and I took a trip up north this time to see my family. As a new Auntie to Casen, I was looking forward to seeing the little guy. Jill's 55th birthday would have been Thursday August 25th. To celebrate, I had the chance to go to lunch with some of her friends, Linda and Mary Jo and of course Brigitte. I celebrated my sister's birthday with her kids, ( and little Casen of course), and a great dinner by chef Brigitte.
Then hopscotch on up to Nicky's house in Napa.
On Friday Carrie and the kids came, we had another gastronomic experience at a Napa french style Cafe on the river, visit the cemetery where Mom and Dad are, swimming at Nicky's pool, and visiting with another one of Dad's friends Bob. Sweetie pies was the dessert of choice also that evening.
Saturday morning we were back down to Pleasanton for Brigitte's graduation party at the Brierleys. Very fun and great food also. Sunday in Napa, as was great to visit Nicky and Tom's church and listen to a visiting preacher named Dr. George Fox. The scripture was John 6 and the feeding of the 5000. Hmmmmm I think I just ate enough for all of that. Really though, it was a really good sermon and thought provoking about our walk with Christ. Then off to Fireside grill, say our good byes and I was headed down south again. ONLY I had a call from Ruby, another one of Dad's friends from the Meadows where he used to live. So I hopscotched on down to see her and had a lovely visit. She is a precious sister in the Lord. She shares the Lord where ever she goes. She used to eat breakfast with Dad every morning. I think of her often and I know she is praying for our family always.
So finally I hopscotched back to the Brierley's place and finished my adventure with a wonderful dinner by Chef Casey, and Kyle's girlfriend Aimee.
Monday, after visiting Jill's gravesite one more time.... I made the long drive home. Needless to say, I did not eat too much. Oh...... but there is a place in Shell Beach though.... I had to stop. DePaolo and Sons. Something like that-- a wonderful Deli and Bakery. I picked up dinner for Fritz and I for when I would make it home. And so the adventure ends for August and I am home. Its good to be home. My eye aches from the glare of the sun driving back. Laundry and gardening chores await me and of course Fritz is so happy to see me!!!
I am so blessed and touched by so many wonderful people in my life. Blessings and Kisses to all.