“ For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting father, the Prince of Peace. “ Isaiah 9:6
Greetings to all our friends and family. We hope this letter finds you with joy and happiness as we celebrate the Christmas season, and the joy of the birth of the Christ child.
As we journey through life, we all cross many bridges. They are milestones, precious moments, and memories that cause us to stop and consider where we are going. This has been a year of many bridges for us, both high and low. I would like to share the stories of some of these times with you.
In early March Ryan proposed to a wonderful young lady, Tina Clause. We have known her family for years here in Santa Barbara. Needless to say, we were thrilled. Tina graduated in June from UCI Medical School and began her residency at UCSD at the end of June. On September 19, Ryan and Tina were married on a beautiful day at the Santa Barbara Zoo. They honeymooned in Tahiti, and make their new home in La Jolla. We are delighted to welcome Dr. Tina Harnsberger to the family!
In March of this year, the Schirm and Scribe families came together in Napa to celebrate my Dad’s 90th birthday. It was great to be together, and so amazing that he is still with us today. My sister Nicky and her husband Dr. Tom Suard continue to attend to all the details that keep our Dad with us. Papa Bear continues to enjoy his life at the Meadows of Napa. Each month I make the drive up to Northern California to visit with him and check in with the rest of the family that lives there: the Suards, Brierlys and the Johnson family.
In June, after school ended, I realized it was time for a change. I passed the art teacher baton on to a new teacher, and officially retired as the SBCS art teacher. As much as I loved teaching, I felt the calling to cross that bridge in life, mainly to help care for family members and spend more time with Fritz. I continue to enjoy art with my own paint brush. Check out some of my recent paintings at lorettespalette.com. I am also writing a book about my grandmother, and rewriting my art lessons as a how-to book for teachers. Most recently I was able to go to Orlando and Disneyworld after Thanksgiving with my niece Carrie and her family, through the “Make a wish foundation”. I am so happy I was available to do this.
At the end of July, Rachel and Johan moved back to California. Johan defended his dissertation proposal in November and passed. He continues to work on this big project and hopes to have his Doctorate next year. Rachel has been applying to various jobs at non-profits and universities throughout Southern California. Having worked at Harvard for the last 2 1/2 years, she has a wealth of experience with special events, government affairs, and international relations. Rachel and Johan hope to make their new home in San Diego soon, but with the job market being what it is, the process has been slower than they would like. They are currently living with us in Santa Barbara as they make this transition in their life.
At the end of August, the Schirm family was able to once again get together for our annual family reunion: this year it was in Santa Cruz. This is always a wonderful time for the whole family, but this year it had special significance as we got to spend a wonderful week with my sister Jill. Jill had been battling colorectal cancer for four years and on September 14th, Jill passed away from this life to her new heavenly home. Her passing leaves a hole in my life, as my sisters have always been my best friends. She was truly an amazing person. Her energy, enthusiasm, kindness, love for all, and joy of life were an inspiration to all. She was loved by so many, with over 750 attending her service on Sept 25. A tribute to Jill can be found at brierleyblogger.com
Fritz continues to be successful with his business during these unpredictable times, carefully watching over the assets entrusted to them. Marathon Investment Programs was in Forbes Magazine again this year: this time in the billionaires issue, in an article that highlighted the “Leading Wealth Managers of Southern California”. Today, as I am writing this letter, it is Fritz’s 61st birthday. How this year has flown by. He is the best looking 61 year old in my book. He continues his daily swims and bike rides and has picked up a new hobby, go-cart racing.
Phillip works full time with Fritz from his own office in Orange County. His knowledge and expertise play a vital role in the success of the company. He loves his life in Orange County. He has many wonderful friends and roommates that he enjoys hanging out with and going on surf trips with. This year he has been to Mexico, Hawaii, and Nicaragua. Also, being located closer to Ryan, they can see each other more often.
May this season of Christmas celebration be one filled with family and friends. We are so grateful for you. In this day of Facebook, emails, blogging, texting, etc. -- we are thankful for all the unique ways to keep in touch with each of you. As I look back on 25 years of Christmas letters, I realize these are the “original” blogger pages. As we journey through life and cross those different bridges in our lives, it is nice to know we have so many friends and loved ones we care about. You are all truly special to us.
With Love from the Harnsbergers
Fritz and Lorette,
Phillip, Ryan and Tina Harnsberger
Rachel and Johan van Gorp
Family blogger site: Harnzblogger.com Email: loretteharnsberger@yahoo.com