Dear Family and Friends,
Today my sister Jill is having her last visits with her family on this earth. She is getting ready to enter the place our Lord has prepared for her. In John 14:2. 'Jesus says that he goes to prepare a place for us." We have an eternal home with the Lord, for all those who have accepted Jesus as their savior. My sister did this many years ago. Our other sister Michy, who left this earthly world over 30 years ago, prayed that we would know Christ and prayed for each one of us to know the Lord. Now I am blessed to know the Lord and so also with my two sisters Jill and Nicky.
We have had many vacation and family times together over the years. Our kids all know each other well. Most of all, we love the Lord. 4 years ago, on a water ski camp with the church high school, Jill as a counselor told the Lord " Lord I want to thirst for you!". A few weeks later, on her 50th Birthday she was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. At that time, she poured out her heart to the Lord. Together He helped her walk this journey of living with cancer, going through treatments, tests, xrays, ct scans, radiation, and more chemo than anyone I have every known. I admire her so much for her bravery, her tenacity, her courage and her strength in good times and in bad. My sister has an unbelievable gathering of friends around her. Casey her husband and their 4 kids are incredibly close and love anyone and everyone.
Tonight as I write, which is really apart of the grieving for me, my sister is preparing to enter into the heavenly world. Last Saturday when I left the hospital, I said goodbye to her. Fritz and I had the opportunity to pray with her before we left. Fritz read a verse Colossians 3:1 "set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God" .
Jill is in God's Hands. You can get any updates on the http://brierleyblogger.blogspot.com/ I have been updating for the family for the last week. Love to you all, Lorette